
Saturday, December 5, 2009

More Snow on the Island and no WS100 for me.

Had a great run on the Island today. Went out to the island at 8 am to meet. About 10 people showed. The weather was cold and windy to start and before we knew it..snow and quite a bit of it. We ended up with about 8 miles which is right according to my schedule. Got some good grinding uphill and rolling trail. Lots of buffalo out today. I really am enjoying time on the island. Different terrain and scenery. Tomorrow will be yoga followed by more running.
Looking forward to getting my next 2 weeks of training though.
Side note- as expected I didn't get into Western States. It appears only 3 people from Utah got in.
What's with that? Loads of people fro Cali are coming to Utah and they only let us have 3?
Come on!

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