As you read the thought of the week, remember that some may be close to the same or even tied together. I generally come up with these depending on many variables.
Belief is another powerful word. Belief can define a person. You can have belief in almost anything. Belief in religion, God, a company, philosophy, Santa Claus, Easter bunny and even the tooth fairy. The one that can make or break any situation is belief in YOURSELF.
A few weeks ago I found an old 8mm tape that I recorded and turned it into a DVD. On it was the 1995 National Soccer club championships. Talk about belief. I remember when it all started for me in 1992. A group of guys who loved the game and a coach who knew his team. We were no where near the most talented team. Our coach instilled belief. As the season grew on we were more determined and believed more than ever. We believed in our goal...a National Championship. We went on to win 3 national championships in 4 years. That was just unprecedented. It started with a belief- in a system, a coach, a team and one another.
The reason belief is the thought of the week is because as a new Ultra runner, I need it more than ever. I need to believe in myself. I have run some races and even been on an epic hiking trip through the Uinta mountains and without belief, I would have failed at them all. I have definitely found that while your fitness is important and can set the tone for any race, your mental make up can make or break you. I need to believe in myself.
What do you believe in?
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