What a day! It was Sami's 11th birthday and we had a hula party at our house. Fun, fun , fun - eleven 11 year old girls together. After that we had my father-in-laws b-day to celebrate and then took him to dinner. While at dinner my cell phone began to ring. Caller ID says.....Eddy home. I didnt hesitate and answered the phone. Apparently a guy Scott knows, Christian, went to the lottery drawing for the Wasatch 100. Christian apologized in the email stating that neither himself or Eddy were drawn for the race but Aric Manning was. WHAT!? HUH? Oh $HIT! I was silent. I couldnt decide if I should be happy, scared or just plain psyched. Problem. I am no real ultra runner. Jaime is. I felt I took the slot of a seasoned runner who could finish top 5.
Well, whatever thoughts I go through for the next 7-8 months...I AM IN. My first attempt at a 100 mile race. What am I doing? I remember back in the mid-90's looking at Eddy come back from a marathon and that is 26.2 miles. I thought he was nuts and basically swore I would never run that much.
So here we are. What once started out as a blog for more training purposes will turn into a daily diary of a guy who is preparing for his first 100 miler. There will be posts on training, races, thoughts, work and whatever else happens. It could be lame, funny or possible insightful. No matter how it turns out, it will be real. So all you people who have time to kill by reading a few lines from someone you know, now is your chance. You can stay tuned, suggest comments or lose the link and not lose anymore minutes off your life.
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