
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nothing like a headwind.

I got out today and had a decent run. A local trail of mine is not to far from my front door. It is a nice fire road that leads to a tall waterfall and on the way back you get some awesome singletrack.
The real problem with the run today was mountain lion sightings on the trail. I am sure it isn't the first time they (it) has been there but after seeing the picture of him on my favorite trail it made me question the run. Basically, the entire run I was jumpy. I am not sure how the run really went since I wasn't focused on it at all. I will tell you one thing though, squirrels can be scary muthas! Every time one popped out mt body would go numb thinking it was the end.
Once I hit the waterfall turnaround I noticed the rest of the run would be into the wind. Funny, I couldn't tell there was a wind when I was running with it, go figure.
Overall, I felt pretty good. I wanted to go 12 but ended with 10 miles. The legs felt a little weary and my nerves were shot. I will get out today, even though it is snowing, and do at least 10 more.

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