
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pre-Race thoughts: Squaw Peak 50

Well, Squaw Peak is here! Only a couple days away. Once again I do not feel ready but that's just how it always is. There is nothing I can change at this point but I do feel like I am in much better shape than last year. I have put in much more work on the trails and dinner table. My weight is not the goal I was shooting for but I am lighter than last year and have felt good about getting it down. I have done more climbing this year than the past so hopefully it will help me a little in getting up to Windy Pass. I know the race is long and I need to focus on the entire course but I truly believe the race for me will really begin at Aide Station 8 (mile 33ish).
Mentally, this will be challenging. I have been a competitor my entire life and I have a goal of getting under 12 hours. Last year I did 14:26 (goal was 15:00). Again, not impressive or blazing but a goal for me. So do I shoot for under 12 and push hard or do I realize the big picture and use it as a Wasatch trainer? The ideal situation would be both.
There is more snow this year and that will slow me down but maybe add some more excitement.
Last years race was my first 50 miler and I didn't think I would be back. Windy Pass just kicked my ass. Saying that, I really enjoyed it and I feel I owe Windy Pass and cameo appearance. Round 1 went to Windy, Round 2 goes to........
Here is what my race card looks like that I am carrying:
AS #3- 2:19
AS #4- 3:13
AS #5- 4:30
AS #6- 5:22
AS #7- 6:23
AS #8- 7:21
AS #9- 10:00
AS #10- 11:21
Finish- 11:57
I want to say thank you to all my friends and family who have helped me prepare for the race- you all know who you are! I couldn't even attempt it without you. Keep your fingers crossed for me please!
I will have a race report when I return.
Remember- No Excuses, No Regrets- Leave Nothing!


Unknown said...

As long as you're not hell bent on getting under 12 hours then sure that's a great goal! But you know this is not the goal race, the mighty Wasatch 100 is. Try to remember what happens to you during this race, learn from it, and use it to your advantage for Wasatch. This race is about how you feel and how quickly you recover. Don't hold anything back and when you hit rock bottom remember - NO EXCUSES!

Anonymous said...

Ready?...Oh you're ready alright. Listen to what you just said...You have completed more overall work, you have trimmed down, you have been climbing like a mad man(ners), you have put in a lot more time and miles.
You were going to have to take time and perform some crappy maintenance on that Trailblazer soon but now you do not have to bother. I think that the Trailblazer was about to become a pain in your ass and now it won't. You can focus on Squaw Peak, one section at a time.
The universe is on your side. You are so incredibly ready!
Now...go get something to eat, get something to drink and get some rest...Oh yea...and go like hell.
One bit of advise for you though...Stay in front of Phil so that you don't get an wanted peek up his skirt climbing up the Pass.
xoxox my manners.

Manners said...

Thanks Scott x 2! I appreciate it.
Thank you both for helping me get this far!
Phil wear's skirts? SWEET!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Mr. M! When the going gets tough just remember how lucky we all are to be able to get out and enjoy the mountains and see things most people never will.
Run fast & take chances!