Well, its been awhile since my last post. I have been running though...promise!
I have put in good miles but have been focusing on climbing. Wasatch is less than 2 weeks away and the nerves have been going since I went to Leadville.
Speaking of Leadville, I had the pleasure of going to help Scott Jaime at the 100 mile race across the sky. What a weekend. We stayed with Brian Fisher and his parents which was a real treat. I had the pleasure of meeting them last year at Hard Rock and you will have a tough time meeting better people. I also met Joe Kulak (a real ultra legend). I was like a fly on the wall for a few days, listening to advice, race strategy, old stories...basically learning from some amazing athletes. I crewed Scott for the race until the inbound at Twin Lakes at which point I laced up the PI's and paced him. What great time for me. Scott was having some stomach issues and I did what I could to encourage him to run while bugging him to drink fluid and take some gels.
I tried to stay just in front of him most of the way, not because I wanted him to run and keep pace but because I didn't want him to see my face. Running at 10,000+ feet and even though Scott was 55+ miles into it, the boy can still put em down and pick em up!
I was very proud to see Scott cross the finish at Leadville in 5th place in 20.29.
I also got to meet some truly great people. Paul DeWitt and his wife Judy were there and I had the pleasure of meeting them. Helen Cospolich- one of the top athletes around (not just female athletes). The ultra community is incredible and I feel very fortunate to infiltrate it!
The only problem is that I really started to focus and think about Wasatch. My first 100 mile race. Swore I would never do one but you only live once. (live is the key word there). The fear of the truly unknown is definitely getting the best of me. I have great support from my wife Melony, kids-Sami and Aspen, family and friends that continue to show support even during their busy lives. I guess at times I feel more nervous of letting them down then letting myself down.
The goal is to finish! Nothing more nothing less. This is a test and more of an adventure. I will continue to enjoy 50 milers and under but the 100 is still unknown. I am excited and nervous. Some days I feel like nothing can stop me and other days the fear of failure looms. I hate to fail! I hate the word fail. Hopefully that will help drive me to Homestead and my first 100 mile finish.
Thanks for every one's continued support and I will see you at the finish line!
You will not fail - I promise! If you show up in Kaysville then you're showing up in Midway - period!
Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.
- John Wooden
Determination - The quality of mind which reaches definite conclusions; decision of character; resoluteness.
This is a word that you taught me long ago at the national championship soccer tournament against Texas - do you remember?
Along with the above definition; Character is what you have left when you've lost everything you can lose.
-evan esar
Hey Aric - Good luck; go rock your first 100!
- pauld
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