
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wasatch 100 preview

Well, it's here. The mighty Wasatch 100. I remember sending in my application and thinking, "why not, if it's meant to be-they'll draw me". On February 2nd, the call came. I was at a Chinese restaurant celebrating my father-in-laws birthday and my beautiful daughter Samantha's b-day. It was Eddy, he said that he did not make it in but Aric Manning did. What?? Sweet, damn, hell, awesome....oh shit! Lots of thoughts passed through my head. First was guilt- Eddy didn't get in so some over weight wannabe could get a shot. My thoughts went back and forth until Eddy said, "Okay, now its time to get to work" and "I will pace you and do whatever you need." Wow!
I never thought this day would come. Some are probably happier than me that it is here.
Eddy- Poor guy gets calls all the time with questions on- "is this right", "Should I do this", "what do you think?"
Wife- For putting up with my moods and juggling the entire families schedule so I can get time to do something only I do.
Kids- Waking up on weekends only to find their dad isn't home because he is up in the mountains.
Running partners (Phil & Scott Mendoza)- listening to me on the trails and even tailoring their runs to make sure I get in what I need.
Work- just plain tired of hearing about it.
I am sure I forgot countless others who have supported me along the way.
Anywho- I appreciate all of you very much and during my adventure in the Wasatch mountains, I will think of you all!
I felt like I had a pretty good race year to build up to this point. My training has been decent and I even lost some weight. When this crazy journey started in 2005 watching Scott Jaime in the Wasatch 100, I never thought it would get to this point. Whatever happens out there this weekend, I don't regret it! The journey has been great and now it is time for the celebration (thanks Ed).
The last time I was this scared/nervous was when my daughter Aspen was born, I realize they are at opposite ends of the spectrum but it doesn't take from the fact that I am down right scared. I am going into the unknown. I have read posts, blogs and spoke to elite athletes all year (Scott Jaime, Karl Meltzer, Anton K., Skaggs bros., Brian Fisher, Paul DeWitt, Josh Brimhall, Justin Ricks, Brad Mitchell, Lisa Smith-Batchen-just to name a few) and these individuals are truly amazing! I am not going out with false dreams but sure would like to see my dream come true. A finish at the Wasatch 100!
This will be my last post before the race. Maybe it is a way to get thoughts out of my head, maybe I am over thinking, maybe I am putting too much into something that I started for fun. Whatever the reason, at least I am not alone- to see so many people you admire, look up to and love support me- it's worth it. I wear emotions on my sleeve (no secret for those who know me) and this post may seem over the top but oh well.
Well, thanks again to everyone. I am running to prove something to myself why all the while I hope I will not let anyone down. This started on a birthday in February and after this race maybe its the re-birth of Manners!
No Excuses...No Regrets....Leave Nothing!


Unknown said...

The foxhole is much deeper than you think. Dig deep my friend and you will have no excuses or regrets.

I'm on my way to the celebration

Justin Ricks said...

Good luck this weekend.......

Anonymous said...

Just remember you don't have to worry about letting anyone down but yourself and you'll only do that if you don't give it your best shot. So just toe that start line and enjoy the great adventure in front of you. BTW you have one of the best pacers anyone could ask for!
And one last thing, it's not how fast someone can run 100 miles that makes them "truly amazing", it's believing enough in yourself to try that makes you truly amazing.
Run fast & take chances!

Anonymous said...

In the short time that we have been together I have gone from the attitude of can't or won't to CAN and WILL and that is only because of the truly amazing example you have set for me and the kids. You have shown us how to be stronger than we thought possilbe, to believe in ourselves and to go after and accomplish our goals and dreams. Everyday you remind us how to live and I thank you for your integrity, your honesty, your strenth and most of all your love. You are my rock, the one I am more proud of than any other. I only hope to remind you of the love that surrounds you and encourage you to embrace this journey and enjoy the steps along the way. "YOU CAN, YOU WILL!"
I love you.

Anonymous said...

Dear dad, I am so INCREDIBLY proud of you! Your my hero! I am so thankful to have such a WONDERFUL and enspiring stepdad! What is your secret? I love you and hope to be just like you when I growup! You are such a GREAT influence on Aspen and I! Good luck out there! I believe in you! You'll do GREAT!
Love, Barnes