
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Progress is Progress

Well I haven't ran for 1 week. At my Dr. visit last week he prescribed me some meds and gave me lifts and patches to wear. My Achilles hasn't felt this good since last July. I am hoping it isn't false hope. I will run on it tonight. Slow and easy. Missing Moab really stung! Next is Buffalo on March 28th. Only doing the 25k so that should get me a good start. With all this damn snow, I may need snowshoes for the race. In the pool I am improving and still going twice a week. I just can't seem to figure it out though. Pretty frustrating but I can definitely feel the workout!

Tomorrow, Thursday February 19th, is the 4 year mark of the passing of my father. I sure do miss him. I wasn't running ultra's back then but I definitely feel him with me on my runs and races. He sure would have loved it himself. So tomorrow I will break my diet so I can have his favorite meal. It was like his desert. I will have a big fat cheeseburger, fry and chocolate shake. It may send my body into a tail spin but it will be more than worth it. To you dad, I miss you and love you !

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