Well, woke up after yesterdays run and the Achilles was in pretty decent shape. No real swelling, no real stiffness. Signs= good. I got to run with another great group of people- Phil, Anthony, Mike, Hal and Kacey. We met at Rainbow Gardens and decided to head north. The weather was cold and we had that damn canyon wind going. Once you leave Rainbow, you get to climb right out of the gate. Its' runnable for sure but I wasn't sure how I would do. My trail legs are not their and my quads felt heavy. I made it up over half way before I decided not to push too hard so I stopped and walked/ran the rest. I have been told that the climbing is where I was going to feel my Achilles ache but surprising it felt great. We went north and right away I knew I was in for a tough go. I just haven't been on the trails and the legs knew it. I kept reminding myself what my good friend Eddy told me- "it's always good to train on tired legs". I knew not to push too hard but I also know it's time to really put in the hard work. (If it was easy, everyone would do it). I survived the run of 9.6 miles and felt really good overall. A back to back of almost 10 miles on the trails, I will take it. Buffalo is only 6 days away. I had high hopes for this race but the plan now is to go out without a watch or GPS and just enjoy it. It's gonna be tough but sitting at home would be tougher.
I plan on taking tomorrow off and hitting the pool Tuesday and running BST Wednesday (with 2 more great friends) and resting up for my first race (I mean run) of the year.
I want to give a quick thank you to everyone who has passed on advice and encouragement for me over the winter. I am not out of the woods yet with the Achilles but just like running an ultra, just keep moving forward.....
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Take a few strides for me at Buffalo - totally bummed to be missing it!
Be smart during the run - the season is just getting started.
See you at P50.
Thanks Brad. Looks like your knee is coming around as well. I look forward to seeing you at Pocatello.
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