
Monday, September 13, 2010

A little mojo can go along way...I hope!

Well, I didn't get to pace at the Wasatch 100 over the weekend but that's okay. I had the opportunity to hang out at Lamb's Aid Station for a few hours and then go to the finish. Saw lots of friends and made a few more. Most importantly though I got that feeling back. It wasn't anything I did- at least that day. As I was sitting their at the finish with my wife and 5 year old daughter Aspen, I had lots of emotions and memories flooding my mind. It was their 2 years ago I finished my first and only 100 miler. It really felt like yesterday. Those amazing athletes helped me get it back. From overall winner Nick Clark (Team PI-Smith- had to throw that in, Darcy won for the women's- Team PI-Smith too- SWEEP!) to the individuals who dnf'd. The courage it takes to compete in a 100 miler is really the key. As John Wayne put it- "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway." The relationships formed on the trail, that's what it is about for so many. I know I have got to know some of the better people in my life through trail running. So as I sat watching and observing, talking to friends and runners alike- I got that itch to do run. Not just go out for a nice run but really RUN!
So Sunday morning I hit the trail with Jim Skaggs and we went for a 8 mile trail run nice and early. I felt great! Out of shape a bit but great none the less. So I hope I can ride this good feeling for awhile. Gonna take a little time to get back into it but that's okay by me.
Congrats to all those at the Wasatch 100 this weekend and thanks!

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