Mr. Great Basin Rattler
After seeing this fella we were on full alert! Less than a mile later Curtis made another discovery..
Mr. Rubber Boa
The run was getting very exciting with the animals ..errr....snakes. I do not like snakes and I really really really do not like the kind that rattle and bite. A few more miles and we were interrupted by a low hovering helicopter which was up there looking at the mountain goats. Our fear was by the time we got to those they would be gone and scattered but when we reached the saddle before the Peak, we saw about 30 scattered across the mountain side. Our first trip to the peak was was becoming more and more memorable.
Our goal off in the distance- 9800'
As we left the saddle and started the grind to the top it became very apparent that it was going to take some serious hiking to get through all the snow. After about 400+' of slogging up the snow we got to the ridge and took the rocks to the top.
Almost there....
Once at the top we stood around a snapped some nice photos before we would head back down.
Proof I made it ...whew!
Now the fun begins. The first 3 decided to go down on there back sides and sled to the bottom of the snow field. I was next and decided to get in some glissading. I have done it a thousand times but today was a little different. About half way down I was gaining speed and getting wobbly so I thought I better fall back on my butt to finish the decent. Well, a second can make a huge difference- instead of falling on my ass, I TOMAHAWK CHOPPED! Head and shoulder first plunged into the snow and it was an all out yard sale. I dropped the video camera (I got this on tape) and my hat came off. After I slowly slid to a stop, I hiked back up to grab my camera and hat and finish the rest on my butt.
Apparently I hit hard enough to separate my shoulder. Damn, that hurt. Running 7+ slow miles to the car and my head was filled with thoughts and ways to tolerate the pain.
There is an appointment scheduled with an Ortho on Wednesday and I get to see the extent of the damage. Asked it I would glissade again, I replied..."oh ya!". After all ....stuff happens.
Details to follow but in the meantime, please keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. I will try and post my video. I got it up on facebook for now....
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