
Friday, July 25, 2008

Mr. Slacker is back

I have tried to keep up daily but summer is not helping. Here is the last couple weeks.
July 14th- Wheeler Creek (below)
July 15th- Wheeler Creek 11
July 16th- BST 10
July 17th- Co-Ed softball (a type of cross training...okay not really)
July 18th- off
July 19th- I did my trailwork for Wasatch, thank you Gib!
July 20th- Ben Lomond Peak- 16 miles, good vertical and finish strong. Almost t-bones a young moose.
July 21st- BST 10 miles
July 22nd- Left for vacation/work in Sun Valley
July 23rd- Off Sun Valley
July 24th- Off Sun Valley
July 25th- Off
Well not the build up I was hoping for. I get the Wasatch Speedgoat tomorrow and I am definitely not where I need to be. Family trumped a race again. That's okay though. No Excuses and when Karl's course is killing me slowly, only 1 person to wife. j/k
Full run report to follow. Just running it for training at this point.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck on King Karl's Kourse! Wasatch is just around the corner so it's time to get the hiking legs on!