
Saturday, March 15, 2008

A first for me.

A first for me today. I am trying very hard to keep things in perspective. I am who I am and I am not an elite runner. I did 8 miles at an 8 minute pace. Ok, so not headlines but for me, more confidence. Take it there was little to no elevation. After my race next Saturday, I hope to start to focus a day or two a week on elevation and the other days on distance. I need to improve both but with my season early, I feel pretty good. no injuries, no nagging issues and a pretty solid base under me. The diet is going well and I think after Buffalo next week, I will see more results.
I love springtime. I ran in my new Pearl Izumi Seek shoes yesterday and they worked well. I have always wore Salomons and they have been great. I want to get a few more runs in my PI's before I bring out an official review. Stay tuned and thanks for following, or leading depending who you are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm seein' a bunch of 8's!! D'you know #8 in infinite?? Never ends... I like the progress!! I remember a post where you listed 10 minute myles and now 8!! Two full minutes is a big deal!! Nice job, keep it up! I'm still saying 2.36 for the Buff run!